Google Joins with Rotary to help prevent the spread of Polio

Google, the search engine company, has united with Rotary to help defeat polio.  At this point, polio that used to affect hundreds of thousands of people around the world, has been reduced to about 5 active cases.  If the illness is allowed to start up again, it is predicted to grow to its former numbers within a generation or two.

Google is helping by offering matching funding for Rotary's Polio Plus program of up to $3.5 million.

As well, Google has built simple 3-D goggles used with a cellphone to give the wearer a Virtual Reality.  Be sure, if you wish to use Google aps, you get one certified by Google (costs from Google or other manufacturers costs anywhere from $10 to $100 Cdn with most at the low end of the range). With it, as the user turns his/her head it is similar to standing and looking around yourself.  The first video is The Story of Rotary and its efforts to eliminate polio around the world.

Thank you Google for the incentive to donate and telling Rotary's history using inexpensive ground breaking technology!